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  • Writer's pictureCoach Samantha

Time Unveiled: Charting Your Path to Purpose

How we choose to spend our time is often taken for granted, caught in the whirlwind of daily life, balancing the demands of making a living, cherishing moments with friends and family, and maintaining our health. We set goals influenced by our upbringing, peers, and societal expectations, rarely pausing to ask if these ambitions truly resonate with our inner desires. It's not uncommon to reach these milestones only to find them lacking the fulfillment we anticipated. If this resonates with you, know that it has happened to me as well. Realizing that our anticipated sources of joy don't bring us the satisfaction we expected can be a profound opportunity for growth, prompting us to delve deeper into our true desires, unfettered by external influences.

Often, we overestimate what we can achieve in a year and underestimate our three-year potential, leading to disheartening feelings when our New Year resolutions falter. Yet, what if accomplishing your goals simply requires more time than you initially thought?

My own journey of moving abroad serves as a testament to the value of patience and meticulous planning. It was a daunting process, filled with small, yet significant steps toward a successful relocation. Identifying my "why" was crucial; understanding the experiences I hoped to gain and the impact I wished to have were my guiding stars. This journey wasn't just about a change of scenery but about seizing the opportunity to advocate for others and contribute meaningfully to my community.

So, how can you unearth the desires that truly matter to you? The 3 Most Important Questions (3MIQs), a concept introduced by Vishen Lakhiani in "The Code of The Extraordinary Mind," offers a robust framework for discovering your gifts and deepest aspirations. Guiding clients through this process has been incredibly rewarding, with transformative outcomes that speak volumes. Bianca Andreescu's triumphs at the US and Canadian Opens, attributing her success to the 3MIQ methodology, is a prime example of its profound impact.

Moreover, organizations and leaders are adopting this training to understand and motivate their teams more effectively. Envision a workplace where everyone's deepest motivations are acknowledged and supported, fostering a culture of mutual encouragement towards shared dreams. This is the hallmark of exemplary leadership and organizational success.

As we approach the end of the first quarter of 2024, I challenge you to dream big and explore the depths of your desires. Consider Bianca Andreescu, who at 17 dared to dream of winning the US Open against Serena Williams. We often underestimate our potential, but the true failure lies in not trying at all.

I am here to support you in this exploratory journey. Whether you're looking for individual guidance or wish to inspire and unify your team, booking a session for the 3 Most Important Questions could be the first step towards unlocking your or your organization's latent potential.

Don't let another year slip by unfulfilled. Book your 3MIQ session with me today, and let's unlock the dreams that lie within you and your team. Together, we can pave the way for a life of purpose, joy, and unparalleled success.

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